K9 Behaviour

Dogs were first domesticated about 14,000 to 17,000 years ago. However, most dog breeds were developed within the last few hundred years. Ancient humans bred dogs honing in on behaviours such as a louder bark or a more docile temperament. They were tinkering with nature and selecting traits for their own needs, whether that be guarding or herding. More recently, humans have taken this to another level and we have developed the pet dog. Instinct is still the main driver for their behaviour. Many dogs are natural guarders or hunters, regardless of their breed.

Nowadays, we often have dogs in our lives for friendship, enjoyment and companionship rather than to work. You still need to give them opportunities to just be them and do nothing as well as incorporating fun activities, nose games/brain games and walks with you, as well other enrichment activities such as chewing bones, antlers, puzzles, neck tendons and so on.

When we understand what our K9s are communicating by their behaviour towards us, other dogs or any stimulus for that matter, we can help them. Dogs try to fit in to our lives using natural canine language.

Developmental Stages

Just like humans, German Shepherds have milestones that they should make as they grow. Some of these involve height and weight while others involve behaviour and socialisation.

Reading Canine Body Language

We all wish our dogs could tell us Understanding canine body language is an important part of pet parenthood. Learn to decode your pup’s visual cues, and you’ll instantly recognise when he’s happy, scared, curious, or angry.

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